Apr 1Liked by Kim O'Donnel

You write like a dream - a smooth recipe of the perfectly honed phrases, much like you manhandling unruly ingredients in your kitchen and turning them into a feast. I am beyond honoured you should link to me. I don't deserve it. You are so much the better cook. Thank you.

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Aww - you little honey bunny! It's just like Julia said. I'm always feeling right at home inside your head and your heart as you share both without the least bit of pretense or hesitation. The chasm that artists tend to fall into is really only a single-minded, determined desire to have everything come out just as we imagined, if not better. That scary chasm becomes a soft, delightful pastel mist where we friends meet. Takes so much practice to go with the flow, but you are always swirling along perfectly, never forgetting the most important things in life. xxoo

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