Feb 26Liked by Kim O'Donnel

The "Tie-dye queen of the vegetable world..." I love that! Yes, beautiful photo and it's simply the Queen with her arms up-stretched as to show off her luxuriant full skirt. I actually have a few of those cruciferous beauties in my garden right now -- yep! They wintered over, so I threw some old windows around them when the temps went to 10 degrees. And now they're looking good. I even harvested some broccoli (very small but SO tasty!) for a pasta with mushrooms dish a few days ago. AND I've got quite a bit of tatsoi; enough to go into a broth with rice noodles and dumplings. Thanks for cabbage reminders, as always, served up with love!

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Fun piece and I'm with you all the way - cabbage is my favorite staple for winter salads, and I love a quick limey slaw. And the plastic boxes -- I wish we could think of something to do about them. I keep swearing them off because I have a local farm I can get bulk salad greens from in winter - most of the time. But we eat a lot of lettuce so I wind up back at the clamshell altar feeling very bad!

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Purple cabbage is a salad superstar! I eat it all year long, but I look forward to cooking it into a salad during the colder part of the year. 💜

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This sounds lovely, just like Waldorf salad. Yum! 💛

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